TDialog TStaticText DEMONSTRATION DISK] TStaticText Diversified Systems Resources] TStaticText Copyright (c) 1993] TStaticText Version 1.102] TStaticText PassportGOLD] TButton TFrame ABOUT] TDialog TLabel Field Separator: TInputLine TStaticText (F2 List)] TLabel Record Type Length: TInputLine TLabel Record Type Start Pos: TInputLine TLabel Fixed or Variable: TInputLine TLabel Description: TInputLine TLabel Name: TInputLine TButton" ~C~ancel TButton ~S~ave TFrame APPLICATION] TDialog TLabel Value: TInputLine TLabel Length: TInputLine TLabel H/D/S: TInputLine TLabel Type: TInputLine TLabel Field Name: TInputLine TLabel Sequence No: TInputLine TStaticText2 (F2-List)] TStaticText! (F2-List)] TButton ~C~ancel TButton ~S~ave TFrame APPLICATION FORMAT] TDialog TLabel S~e~t: TInputLine TStaticText (F2-List)] TLabel ~R~eceive/Send: TInputLine TLabel ~A~pplication: TInputLine TLabel Map ~N~ame: TInputLine TLabel ~D~escription: TInputLine TLabel ~V~ersion: TInputLine TButton ~C~ancel TButton ~S~ave TFrame MAP ADD/UPDATE] TDialog TLabel Reference Table Name: TInputLine TButton ~C~ancel TButton TFrame ADD REFERENCE TABLE] TDialog TLabel ~S~et TInputLine TButton ~C~ancel TButton TFrame ADD SET] TDialog TLabel Verify Table Name: TInputLine TButton ~C~ancel TButton TFrame ADD VERIFY TABLE] TDialog TLabel ~N~ame Description TListViewer TScrollBar- TStaticText2 TButton5 ~C~lose TButton5 ~S~elect TFrame COPY APPLICATION FROM FLOPPY] TDialog TStaticText@ TStaticText Trans Recv TLabel Date Date Name TListViewer TScrollBar= TButtonA ~C~lose TButtonA ~U~nArchive TFrame FLOPPY ARCHIVE LIST] TDialog. TLabel Archive/Unarchive TRadioButtons TStringCollection drive A drive B TButton ~C~ancel TButton TFrame TDialog TLabel Date Date Name TListViewer TScrollBar= TStaticText@ TStaticText Trans Recv TButtonA ~C~lose TButtonA Dia~g~onstic TButtonA View ~R~ec TButtonA Audit R~p~t TButtonA ~V~iew EDI TButtonA ~D~eletey TButtonA Re~t~rans TButtonA ~U~nArchive TButtonA ~A~rchive TFrame HISTORY LIST] TDialog TLabel ~I~mport: TInputLine TLabel ~E~xport: TInputLine TStaticText :----------------------------------------------------------] TStaticText .bat (Before Translation)] TStaticText )Before transmission is executed. (IMPORT)] TStaticText .bat (After Translation)] TStaticText (After transmission is executed. (EXPORT)] TButton ~C~ancel TButton TFrame TDialog TLabel1 ~B~ackground TRadioButtons, TStringCollection Black Green Magenta Brown TLabel1 ~F~oreground TRadioButtons) TStringCollection Black Green Magenta Brown Dk. Gray Lt. Blue Lt. Green Lt. Cyan Lt. Red Lt. Magenta Yellow White TLabel ~P~assportGOLD Objects TListViewer TScrollBar& TButton1 ~C~ancel TButton TFrame Color Selection] TDialog TButton8 ~C~lose TButton) ~D~eletey TButton ~E~ditn TButton ~A~ddv TListViewer TScrollBarM TFrame CONCAT FIELD LIST] TDialog TLabel Copy Application To: TInputLine TButton( ~C~ancel TButton( ~C~opy TFrame COPY APPLICATION] TDialog TLabel Copy Record Format To: TInputLine TStaticText$ (1 - 40)] TButton/ ~C~ancel TButton/ ~C~opy TFrame COPY FORMAT] TDialog TLabel New map name: TInputLine TButton ~C~ancel TButton ~C~opy TFrame COPY MAP] TDialog TLabel Filename: TInputLine TLabel Filename TListViewer TButton ~C~ancel TButton ~D~eleteh TButton ~A~ddg TButton ~S~electm TFrame TDialog+ TStaticText Delete this history record?] TButton ~C~ancel TButton TFrame TDialog TStaticText Please confirm delete?] TButton ~C~ancel TButton ~D~elete TFrame DELETE] TDialog TLabel Diagnostic Error List TListViewer TScrollBarH TButton ~C~lose TFrame DIAGNOSTIC DATA] TDialog TLabel MAP DESCRIPTION TListViewer TScrollBar. TStaticText0 TButton2 ~C~lose TButton2 ~S~elect TFrame DOCUMENT LIST] TDialog TStaticText $ ERROR : Duplicate field name....] TButton ~C~ancel TFrame DELETE] TDialog TLabel ConCat Name: TInputLine TLabel Application Field 4: TInputLine TLabel Application Field 3: TInputLine TLabel Application Field 2: TInputLine TLabel Application Field 1: TInputLine TButton ~C~ancel TButton TFrame CONCAT TABLE] TDialog TLabel TInputLine TLabel TInputLine TLabel Name: TInputLine TButton ~C~ancel TButton TFrame GROUP] TDialog TLabel TInputLine TLabel From: TInputLine TLabel TP ID Number: TInputLine TButton% ~C~ancel TButton TFrame REFERENCE TABLE] TDialog TLabel Type: TInputLine TStaticText (User, Administration)] TLabel User Name: TInputLine TLabel Password: TInputLine TButton ~C~ancel TButton TFrame SECURITY] TDialog TLabel Syntax Note: TInputLine TLabel Note Type: TInputLine TLabel Paragraph Number: TInputLine TLabel Sequence: TInputLine TLabel Segment ID: TInputLine TButton ~C~ancel TButton TFrame SEGN TABLE] TDialog) TLabel Sequence No: TInputLine TLabel Segment ID: TInputLine TLabel File: TInputLine TLabel TInputLine TButton ~C~ancel TButton TFrame SET DETAIL TABLE] TDialog TLabel No of Segments in Set: TInputLine TLabel Functional Group ID: TInputLine TLabel Version: TInputLine TLabel Set ID: TInputLine TButton ~C~ancel TButton TFrame TABLE 1] TDialog TLabel Max use: TInputLine TLabel Requirement: TInputLine TLabel Segment ID: TInputLine TLabel Set ID: TInputLine TButton ~C~ancel TButton TFrame TABLE 2] TDialog TLabel Ele in Seg: TInputLine TLabel Seg Name: TInputLine TLabel Seg ID: TInputLine TButton' ~C~ancel TButton TFrame TABLE 3] TDialog TLabel Requirement: TInputLine TLabel Data Element No: TInputLine TLabel Seg ID: TInputLine TButton ~C~ancel TButton TFrame TABLE 4] TDialog TLabel Element Number: TInputLine TLabel Element Name: TInputLine TLabel Minimum: TInputLine TLabel Maximum: TInputLine TLabel Type: TInputLine TButton' ~E~le Code TButton ~C~ancel TButton TFrame TABLE 5] TDialog TLabel Code Value: TInputLine TLabel Element Number: TInputLine TButton ~C~ancel TButton TFrame TABLE 6] TDialog TLabel From: TInputLine TLabel TP ID Number: TInputLine TButton ~C~ancel TButton TFrame VERIFY TABLE] TDialog TLabel Version: TInputLine TButton ~C~ancel TButton TFrame VERSION] TDialog TLabel ELEMENT ~L~IST TListViewer TScrollBar0 TLabel Usage: TInputLine! TStaticText& TButton( ~C~lose TButton ~P~revious TButton ~N~ext TButton ~S~electm TInputLine) TFrame ELEMENT LIST] TDialog TLabel Name Map TListViewer TScrollBar! TStaticText$ TButton& ~C~lose TButton& ~E~ditn TButton& ~D~eletey TButton& ~A~ddv TFrame GROUP LIST] TDialog TLabel Mandatory: TInputLine TLabel Elements in Seg: TInputLine TLabel TInputLine TLabel Description: TInputLine TLabel Segment: TInputLine TLabel File: TInputLine TLabel TInputLine TStaticText (1-9)] TStaticText (Header,Detail,Summary)] TStaticText (01,02,03,ETC.)] TLabel TInputLine TLabel Sequence Number: TInputLine TButton& ~C~ancel TButton TFrame SEND SEGMENT DESCRIPTION] TDialog TLabel Mandatory: TInputLine TLabel Elements in Seg: TInputLine TLabel TInputLine TLabel Description: TInputLine TLabel Segment: TInputLine TLabel File: TInputLine TLabel TInputLine TStaticText (1-9)] TStaticText (1,2,3)] TLabel Sequence Number: TInputLine TButton& ~C~ancel TButton TFrame RECEIVE SEGMENT DESCRIPTION] TDialog TLabel -User Name Date TListViewer TScrollBar4 TStaticText7 TButton9 ~C~lose TButton9 ~P~rint9 TButton9 ~D~eletey TFrame LOGON LIST] TDialog TStaticText " CANNOT DELETE MANDATORY SEGMENT] TButton TFrame MANDATORY SEGMENT] TDialog TLabel TInputLine TLabel TInputLine TLabel If 1: TInputLine TLabel Counter: TInputLine' TLabel! Save: TInputLine' TLabel Accumulator: TInputLine' TLabel Description: TInputLine) TLabel! Map No: TInputLine) TLabel Segment: TInputLine TLabel Element: TInputLine TStaticText: TStaticText3 TStaticText2 TStaticText8 and/or = A or O] TStaticText4 CTABLE VTABLE CONCAT] TStaticText6 = < > <= >= ><] TStaticText: COMPARISON] TStaticText TStaticText TStaticText (Accumulator)] TStaticText TStaticText TStaticText. TButton< ~C~lose TButton< Next E~l~ement TButton< Prev ~E~lement TButton< ~N~ext Usage TButton< ~P~rev Usage TInputLine TInputLine TInputLine TInputLine TInputLine TInputLine TInputLine TInputLine TInputLine TInputLine TInputLine TInputLine TInputLine TInputLine TInputLine TInputLine TInputLine TInputLine TInputLine1 TFrame TDialog TLabel Map Name Description Ver App Name TListViewer TScrollBarA TButtonB ~C~lose TButtonB ~S~elect TFrame MAP LIST] TDialog TLabel Map Name Description Ver App Name TListViewer TScrollBarA TButtonB ~C~lose TButtonB ~R~eport9 TButtonB ~F~romFlpy TButtonB ~T~oFlpy TButtonB C~o~pyl TButtonB ~E~ditn TButtonB ~D~eletey TButtonB ~A~ddv TButtonB ~S~electm TFrame MAP LIST] TDialog TStaticText ERROR : The selected history file is missing from the archive directory. ] TStaticText HISTORY FILE IS MISSING] TButton TFrame TDialog TLabel On-Line Phone No: TInputLine TLabel RA Phone No: TInputLine TLabel Line Type: TInputLine TLabel Outside Number: TInputLine TLabel Comm Port: TInputLine TLabel Baud Rate: TInputLine TLabel Initialization: TInputLine TLabel Modem Type: TInputLine TStaticText# (1,2,3,4)] TStaticText (H,X)] TStaticText# (1200,2400,9600)] TStaticText" (T,P)] TStaticText TButton1 ~N~etwork Info TButton ~C~ancel TButton TFrame Advantis Modem Setup] TDialog TStaticText PContact Diversified Systems Resources for custom data entry screens and reports.] TStaticText PassportGOLD DEMO] TButton TFrame DATA ENTRY] TStringList TDialog TStaticText LThe E-Mail capabilities can be purchased with PassportGOLD or independently.] TStaticText NOTE: Parts of this system have been disabled.] TStaticText Diversified Systems Resources] TStaticText Copyright (c) 1993] TStaticText PassportGOLD] TButton TFrame DEMONSTRATION DISK] TMenuBar ~A~boute DOS ~S~hell ~D~ata Entryf ~A~dministration ~F~latfile Setup ~F~latfile to EDI ~A~pplication Selectionj ~M~ap Flatfile to EDIk ~G~roup Definitionsl ~E~DI to Flatfile ~A~pplication Selection} ~M~ap EDI to Flatfile~ ~T~rading Partner ~S~end ~R~eceive ~V~ersions ~S~ecurity ~R~eference Tables ~C~ross-Reference Table ~V~erify Tables ConCat ~T~able ~U~tilities ~A~utoExec ~C~olors ~C~ustom ~D~efault ~S~ystem ~E~DI Processing ~C~ommunications ~A~dvantis ~D~irect Dial ~S~etup ~T~ransmit ~F~latfile to EDI Conversion ~E~DI to Flatfile Conversion ~A~rchive/Restore ~Q~uit E~x~it Alt-X TDialog+ TButton ~C~ancel TButton ~S~elect TListViewer TScrollBar TFrame PICK LIST] TDialog TLabel Variable Pick List TRadioButtons TStringCollection ~F~ile Fields ~E~lements ~A~ccumulator Co~u~nter Save ~V~ariable ~I~SA Segment ~G~S Segment ~R~eserved Words Cr~o~ss-Ref Table Re~f~erence Table Co~n~Cat Table TButton ~C~lose TButton ~S~elect TFrame PICK LIST] TDialog TStaticText+ Sender] TStaticText( Sender] TLabel1 User ID: TInputLine; TLabel. Account No: TInputLine; TLabel Internal Number : TInputLine TLabel* TInputLine/ TLabel4 Ext : TInputLine; TLabel4 Zip : TInputLine; TLabel* Flatfile Name : TInputLine; TLabel/ Map Name : TInputLine; TLabel Contact : TInputLine TLabel Phone : TInputLine TLabel City : TInputLine TLabel Address 2 : TInputLine TLabel Address 1 : TInputLine TLabel Company Name : TInputLine TLabel Store Diagnostic Data : TInputLine TLabel Translate Data Report : TInputLine TLabel Compliance Only : TInputLine TLabel Acknowledgment : TInputLine TLabel. Our TP ID : TInputLine; TLabel. Sender ID : TInputLine; TLabel Set : TInputLine TLabel Version : TInputLine TLabel Our GS ID : TInputLine TLabel Our TP Qual : TInputLine TLabel Sender GS ID : TInputLine TLabel Sender Qual : TInputLine TButton@ ~C~ancel TButton1 TFrame %(RECEIVE) TRADING PARTNER INFORMATION] TDialog TLabel ~N~ame H/D/S Start Value TListViewer TScrollBar< TStaticText> TButton? ~C~lose TButton? ~I~nserto TButton? ~D~eletey TButton? ~A~dd v TButton? ~E~ditm TFrame SETUP RECORD FORMAT] TDialog TLabel 1TP ID From TListViewer TScrollBarL TButton5 ~C~lose TButton) ~D~eletey TButton ~E~ditn TButton ~A~ddv TFrame CROSS REFERENCE TABLE] TDialog TStaticText Reference Tables] TStaticText TButton ~C~lose TButton ~D~eletey TButton ~A~ddv TButton ~S~electm TListViewer TScrollBar TFrame REFERENCE TABLES] TDialog TStaticText@ TStaticText Trans Recv TLabel Date Date Name TListViewer TScrollBar= TButtonA ~C~ancel TButtonA ~R~estore TFrame RESTORE HISTORY LIST] TDialog TStaticText TStaticText TStaticText TStaticText TStaticText TStaticText TStaticText TStaticText TStaticText TStaticText TStaticText TStaticText1 Report] TStaticText& Delete Flatfile] TStaticText Screen Name] TStaticText Flatfile Name] TButton% ~C~ancel TButton TInputLine2 TInputLine( TInputLine TInputLine TInputLine2 TInputLine( TInputLine TInputLine TInputLine2 TInputLine( TInputLine TInputLine TInputLine2 TInputLine( TInputLine TInputLine TInputLine2 TInputLine( TInputLine TInputLine TInputLine2 TInputLine( TInputLine TInputLine TInputLine2 TInputLine( TInputLine TInputLine TInputLine2 TInputLine( TInputLine TInputLine TInputLine2 TInputLine( TInputLine TInputLine TInputLine2 TInputLine( TInputLine TInputLine TFrame Input Screen List] TDialog TLabel Name TListViewer TScrollBar! TStaticText$ TButton% ~C~lose TButton% ~L~ogon Report TButton% ~D~eletey TButton% ~A~ddv TButton% ~E~ditm TFrame SECURITY] TDialog TStaticText DSeq Description Use ] TButton5 ~C~lose TButton* ~D~eletey TButton ~I~nsert TButton ~E~ditn TButton ~S~electm TListViewer TScrollBarF TFrame (RECEIVE) SEGMENT LIST] TDialog TStaticTextF TStaticText LSeq Description Use TButton7 ~C~lose TButton, ~D~eletey TButton! ~I~nsert TButton ~E~ditn TButton ~S~electm TListViewer TScrollBarN TFrame (SEND) SEGMENT LIST] TDialog TLabel Syntax Note TListViewer TScrollBar, TStaticText/ TButton2 ~C~lose TButton1 ~D~eletey TButton1 ~A~ddv TButton1 ~E~ditm TFrame SEGMENT NOTE TABLE] TDialog TLabel ~N~ew Record Indicator TListViewer TScrollBar0 TStaticText TStaticText TStaticText TStaticText TStaticText TStaticText TStaticText TStaticText TStaticText TStaticText TStaticText TStaticText %Maximum number of Record Formats : 40] TStaticText2 TButton5 ~C~lose TButton5 Scr~e~ens TButton5 ~D~eletey TButton5 C~o~pyl TButton5 De~f~inem TButton5 ~I~ndicatorn TFrame SETUP RECORD TYPES] TDialog TLabel ~R~ecord Format TInputLine TButton7 ~C~ancel TButton7 TFrame ADD NEW RECORD INDICATOR] TDialog TLabel ~N~ame Description TListViewer TScrollBar- TStaticText2 TButton5 ~C~lose TButton5 ~F~romFlpy TButton5 ~T~oFlpy TButton5 ~R~eport9 TButton5 ~D~eletey TButton5 ~E~ditn TButton5 ~A~ddv TButton5 C~o~pyl TButton5 ~S~electm TFrame APPLICATION] TDialog. TLabel Select Drive TRadioButtons TStringCollection drive A drive B TButton ~C~ancel TButton TFrame COPY] TDialog TLabel Functional ID Code : TInputLine% TLabel Version : TInputLine% TLabel Responsible Agency Code : TInputLine% TLabel Group Control Number : TInputLine% TLabel Application Receivers Code : TInputLine% TLabel Application Senders Code : TInputLine% TLabel Time : TInputLine% TLabel Date : TInputLine% TButton& ~C~ancel TButton TFrame SENDER GS INFORMATION] TDialog TLabel Sub-Element Seperator : TInputLine TLabel Test Indicator : TInputLine TLabel Acknowledgment Request : TInputLine TLabel Interchange Control No : TInputLine TLabel Interchange Version : TInputLine TLabel Interchange Control ID : TInputLine TLabel& TInputLine, TLabel Interchange Receiver Qual : TInputLine TLabel& TInputLine, TLabel Interchange Sender Qual : TInputLine TLabel$ Info : TInputLine, TLabel Security Code Qual : TInputLine TLabel$ Info : TInputLine, TLabel Authorization Code Qual : TInputLine TLabel Interchange Time : TInputLine TLabel Interchange Date : TInputLine TButton/ ~C~ancel TButton/ TFrame SEND ISA] TDialog TLabel Message ~R~eceipts TRadioButtons TStringCollection No Acknowledgement Create Purge Acknowledgement Create Receipt & Delivery Create Receipt & Purge Delivery Acknowledgement!Purge or Delivery Acknowledgement Receipt & ( Purge or Delivery ) Receipt Acknowledgement TLabel ~M~essage User Class : TInputLine TButton ~C~ancel TButton TFrame SENDER NETWORK INFORMATION] TDialog) TLabel Separator TListViewer TScrollBar TStaticText TButton ~C~lose TButton ~S~electm TFrame FIELD SEPARATOR LIST] TDialog TLabel Seg ID TListViewer TScrollBar TStaticText TButton! ~C~lose TButton! ~D~eletey TButton! ~A~ddv TButton! ~E~ditm TFrame SET DETAIL TABLE] TDialog TStaticText TButton ~C~lose TButton ~S~elect TListViewer TScrollBar TFrame SET LIST] TDialog TButton Table ~6~ TButton ~C~ancel TButton Table ~5~ TButton Table ~4~ TButton Table ~3~ TButton Table ~2~ TButton Table ~1~ TButton Set ~D~etail TButton ~S~egment Note TFrame STANDARDS] TDialog TLabel Doc Start Pos : TInputLine0 TLabel! Doc End Pos : TInputLine0 TLabel TP End Pos : TInputLine TLabel TP Start Pos : TInputLine TLabel) Zip : TInputLine0 TLabel TInputLine TLabel City : TInputLine TLabel Address 1 : TInputLine TLabel Address 2 : TInputLine TLabel Company Name : TInputLine TLabel& User ID: TInputLine0 TLabel# Account No: TInputLine0 TLabel Flatfile Name : TInputLine0 TLabel" Group Name : TInputLine0 TLabel$ Map Name : TInputLine0 TLabel Seg Terminator: TInputLine TLabel Ele Separator: TInputLine TLabel Store Diag Data : TInputLine TLabel Acknowledgment : TInputLine TLabel) Set : TInputLine0 TLabel Internal Number : TInputLine TLabel Version : TInputLine TLabel Our GS ID : TInputLine TLabel Our ISA ID : TInputLine+ TLabel Our ISA Qual : TInputLine TLabel Receiver GS ID : TInputLine TLabel Rcvr ISA ID: TInputLine+ TLabel Rcvr ISA Qual : TInputLine TStaticText F2 List] TStaticText? TButton@ ~C~ancel TButton@ TButton@ ~G~S> TButton@ ~I~SA= TFrame "(SEND) TRADING PARTNER INFORMATION] TDialog TLabel Last acknowledgment number: TInputLine TLabel Days to keep archive files: TInputLine TStaticText EDI Archive Directory: ARCHIVE] TStaticText $Flatfile Receive Directory: EDIINBOX] TStaticText EDI Receive Directory: EDIIN] TStaticText !Flatfile Send Directory: EDIOUTBX] TStaticText EDI Send Directory: EDIOUT] TStaticText ----- DIRECTORIES -----] TButton ~C~ancel TButton TFrame SYSTEM] TDialog TLabel (SET ID VERSION GROUP ID SEG IN SET TListViewer TScrollBar/ TStaticText2 TButton4 ~C~lose TButton4 ~S~et Detail TButton4 Se~t~ TButton4 ~D~eletey TButton4 ~A~ddv TButton4 ~E~ditm TFrame TABLE1 ] TDialog TLabel "SET ID SEGMENT ID REQUIRED MAXUSE TListViewer TScrollBar/ TStaticText2 TButton4 ~C~lose TButton4 ~S~eg Note TButton4 ~E~lement TButton4 Se~g~ment TButton4 ~D~eletey TButton4 ~A~ddv TButton4 ~E~ditm TFrame TABLE2] TDialog TLabel "SET ID SEQ NO ELEMENT NO REQUIRED TListViewer TScrollBar% TStaticText) TButton+ ~C~lose TButton+ E~l~e Detail TButton+ ~D~eletey TButton+ ~A~ddv TButton+ ~E~ditm TFrame TABLE 4] TDialog TLabel Element No Code Value TListViewer TScrollBar TStaticText TButton ~C~lose TButton ~D~eletey TButton ~A~ddv TButton ~E~ditm TFrame TABLE 6] TDialog TStaticText< TStaticText Partner] TStaticText Transaction] TStaticText Trading] TStaticText " ID SET Name] TButton= ~C~lose TButton= ~S~elect TListViewer TScrollBar: TFrame TRADING PARTNER] TDialog TStaticText< TStaticText Partner] TStaticText Transaction] TStaticText Trading] TStaticText " ID SET Name] TButton= ~C~lose TButton= ~R~eport9 TButton= ~F~romFlpy TButton= ~T~oFlpy TButton= ~D~eletey TButton= C~o~pyl TButton= ~A~ddv TButton= ~E~ditn TListViewer TScrollBar: TFrame TRADING PARTNER] TDialog TStaticText Verify Tables] TStaticText TButton ~C~lose TButton ~D~eletey TButton ~A~ddv TButton ~S~electm TListViewer TScrollBar TFrame VERIFY TABLES] TDialog TLabel .TP ID From TListViewer TScrollBar2 TButton ~D~eletey TButton ~A~ddv TButton% ~C~lose TButton ~E~ditn TFrame VERIFY TABLE] TDialog TLabel ~V~ersion TListViewer TScrollBar TStaticText TButton ~C~lose TButton ~E~ditn TButton ~D~eletey TButton ~A~ddv TButton ~S~electm TFrame VERSION LIST] TDialog TView TButton ~C~lose TButton( ~P~rint TFrame VIEW EDI FILE] TDialog TStaticText= TView TButton? ~P~rint TButton? ~C~lose TFrame TDialog TLabel Receiver ID: TInputLine TLabel History Filename: TInputLine TLabel Translate Time: TInputLine TLabel Sender ID: TInputLine TLabel Acknowledged: TInputLine TLabel Ack Requested: TInputLine TLabel Receive/Send: TInputLine TLabel TInputLine TLabel Name Description: TInputLine TLabel TInputLine TLabel Translate Date: TInputLine TLabel Send Date: TInputLine TButton TFrame HISTORY RECORD] TResourceCollectionY ABOUT ADDAPPLICL ADDFMT' ADDMAPN ADDREFTABLEy ADDSET ADDVERIFY APPFLPYLISTT ARCHFLPYLIST, ARCHIVEDRIVEi ARCHRESTORE AUTOEXECBATt COLOR_BOXa CONCATTBL COPYAPPLICAT COPYFORMAT_ COPYMAPNAMEy! CREFTABLE?# DELETEHIST0$ DELETEYN)% DIAGNSTCLISTY& DOCLIST DUPFIELDNAME EDITCONCATy+ EDITGROUP4- EDITREF EDITSECURITY EDITSEGN EDITSETD EDITTBL1 EDITTBL2+: EDITTBL3 EDITTBL4 EDITTBL5 EDITTBL6 EDITVERIFYlC EDITVERSION~D ELEMENTLIST GROUPLIST INSERTSEGmM INSERTSEGRECrQ LOGONLISTFS MANDATORYSEG T MAPELEMENT}_ MAPFLPYLIST MAPLIST MISSINGHISTF MODEMSETUP ONLINEDESCMk PASSGOLD_HTNl PGINTROTn PG_MBBr PICKDISPLAYcs PICKLIST=u RECEIVETP RECFMT= REFERENCETBL REFLIST RESTORELIST SCREENLIST SECURITY SEGLISTREC SEGMENTLISTC SEGNLIST@ SELAPP_SEL SELAPP_SEL_A SELECTAPP SELECTDRIVE SENDGS SENDISA SENDNETWORK^ SEPERATOR SETDLIST SETLIST$ STANDARDLIST: SYSTEM[ TBL1LIST TBL2LIST5 TBL4LIST\ TBL6LISTC TPFLPYLISTs TPLIST VERIFYLIST VERIFYTBLj VERSIONLISTv VIEWEDIT VIEWFILE\ VIEWHISTREC